Does strength training increase weight in women?

Strength training = bulk up, is a myth.

Don’t Worry!

In women, this type of training regularizes the muscles instead of increasing weight. Let us discuss how?

Intending to lose weight in order to gain muscles, sometimes your diet is not in check. It is when you might lose muscle mass rather than lose the fat in your body. Strength training comes into the picture and can do wonders when it comes to reshaping your body and building strength. Strength training helps to increase lean muscle mass and burn more calories.

It includes the usage of manual weight, resistance band, body weight resistance, and weight machines. Anything that lets your body work against weights is resistance training. It is suggested by the coaches because it makes your body lose fat irrespective of your diet.

Following are the benefits of strength training –

  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Increased bone density and reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • Increase in metabolism rate that helps in fat/weight loss or weight maintenance
  • Increase in muscle strength to make everyday activities easier
  • Lowers risk of injury by allowing the muscle to support the joints

So next time you are bothered about your body fat and muscle building remind yourself that Strength training has got your back. The answer to the question explains that strength training does not increase weight in women.

Make the most of it and have a perfectly shaped body.

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